• This site contains individual pages for Geoemtry, Geometry A, and Intermediate Algebra. On these you can find the homework or classwork assignments for your course. If you are absent please try to complete as much of this work as possible so that when you return you are not so far behind.
    My sincere wish is that you will find this year's course enjoyable and entertaining. There are skills and concepts which you must learn in order to move on to future math courses. This can be achieved with a minimum of stress by every student in the course.
    The first step will be to respect those around you and yourself. You can understand the concepts we will discuss. You have been prepared for this. Most of our topics have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. All of them are still useful in our society and continue to evolve as new people using new technology study them. Whether you have enjoyed and succeeded in prior math classes or not, the ideas you will be introduced to from here on in your math career are richer and far more interesting. Some are challenging and this is where you will benefit by being respectful. Respecting others will allow you to receive help from and give help to others. Respecting yourself will allow you to struggle with concepts without giving up. Again, you can do well in this course. 
    Please see me before or after class, during tutorial, or during the after school sessions which I run if you have questions or concerns about class.  I will do my best to give you honest and understandable answers.