• ipad


    Welcome to the Device Bootcamp for Students

    This year the Tam District is embarking on an one-to-one Bring your Own Device (BYOD)  program. The purpose of the program is to provide students and teachers with an enriched learning environment through proper implementation of appropriate pedaogy with embedded technology. 

    While many students have used technology extenisvely in school, the  program is designed to incorporate the digital device as a central tool to all aspects of learning. The use of the devices in an one-to-one model will provide a learning environment that leverages access to multiple resources beyond the confines of the physical classroom. However, to be clear, the top proirity of the the program is to enhance learning, not simply to use a device.

    All devices, whether district or student owned must be well cared for. This guide will help you keep it in good working order and help you deal with any issues that arise. Please follow the link below to begin your journey!

    Enjoy your iPad!

    iPad Acceptable Use and Receipt Form