One of Redwood's most influential clubs
Oops! Looks like you need to be logged in in order to view this page! Only club officers will be able to see this information.>> If you are an officer, please log into your tam district account. This is the same username and password used to log into any district computer or wifi network. Log in page can be found in the upper left under the search bar. Once logged in, you'll be able to access the Officer Portal on the left menu bar>> If no new link on the menu bar appears on our website once your logged in, please do the following:1. Go to tamdistrict.org and log into the website. Once logged in, log out2. Email our dev team at aqueousplanet@gmail.com and we will add your tam district account to the page!
Meetings: Friday Lunch, 185Email: redwoodamnesty@gmail.comRemind Text Alerts: text @rhsamnesty to 81010Instagram: @redwoodamnestyYoutube: Redwood AmnestyTech Emergency: aqueousplanet@gmail.com