• Drake High School    


    There are a variety of avenues for communication between the school and the larger Drake community.  Some of these communication sources are:

    ·Drake Pirate News: This is provided for the students on Monday’s in advisory. The News is also posted on our homepage. Notifications in the news can be submitted to the Principal’s Assistant or Assistant Principals' Secretary. Student notifications require a staff approval for submission.

    ·Drake Direct: This communication is the Principal’s newsletter. The Drake Direct is issued several times a year and is emailed home to all parents. Any concerns, ideas or questions regarding this communication should be sent directly to the Principal.

    ·Drake Homepage: The Drake High School Homepage is an excellent source of information. The school calendar and Drake News are updated daily and are on the homepage.

    ·Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: We are active on all three!  Our homepage has links to each of these Drake communication links.

    ·Drake Talks: Monthly meetings are held on campus for parents, students and community members to come and discussion topical issues with the school administration. All are welcome. These are advertised in the Drake Direct and the school homepage.

    ·The Jolly Roger: The Jolly Roger is a student run and written newspaper. There is also an online edition.

    DHS Handbook Daily Student Life  4