• Drake High School      



    ASB-Student Government:

    Students comprise one of the government structures and decision making body for Drake High School Elected Executive Council, Class Officers and leadership students comprise the ASB class and make decisions regarding school issues, student body issues and activity planning.  There are a few ways to become involved in ASB:

    ·         Elected officers of the ASB Executive Council are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Student Affairs. One member of the Executive Council also serves as a TUHSD Student Trustee.

    ·         Appointed officers by ASB to serve commissioner positions include the Events Commissioner, Athletics Commissioner, Staff and Student Relations Commissioners, Publicity Commissioner, Pirate TV Commissioner and Outreach Commissioner. 

    ·         Class officers are elected by their class; the 10th, 11th and 12th grade students elect their class officers in the spring, while the freshman elect their officers when they arrive in the fall.  Each class has a President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.     These officers plan the class events, fundraise for the major events and manage a class budget.  All Students are encouraged to run for office and should check the website for information.

    Requirements for an elected position in ASB include having and maintaining a 2.0 GPA and enrolling in the ASB class. Students who are suspended will be individually reviewed for continued eligibility in ASB. Information regarding the offices and elections can be found in the Drake High School ASB Constitution on the website


    School dances are an activity planned and carried out by ASB.  They are operated for the enjoyment of the students and for students who attend Drake High School. Some dances allow for guests to attend from other schools, this guest process is separate for the regular student dance contract and must be followed.  Please come to the AP office for  guest details.  

    To download a Drake student dance contract go HERE.


    Students with special interests are encouraged to form a club. A club must adhere to the ASB Constitution and have a teacher advisor. Clubs are open for all students to join and there will be room provided for all students to participate. The establishment of a new club must be approved by ASB/Leadership. All financial activities of a club must be registered in an ASB account with authority for over-site by ASB/Leadership