• Archie Williams High School      



    Intervention Team

                The Intervention Team is designed to provide the needed interventions for students who are struggling in particular areas of school. The team helps create a success plan for these students and constantly monitors the progress towards achieving the goals of the plan. The Intervention Team members include: administration, school psychologist, special education teacher, counselor, campus supervisor and administrative secretary.


    Student Success Teams

               A Student Succcess Team (SST) is coordinated by the school counselor or an administrator. It is for students who are beginning to struggle in certain areas of school. The students help come up with their own goals and specific steps they will take to meet these goals. Teachers in the area the student is not proficienct in help create a plan for the student to be successful.


    Bay Area Community Resource Counselor

    The Bay Area Community Resources staff provides support to numerous students by providing group counseling, peer mediation services and individual counseling services.


    Homeless/Foster Care Liaison

    Each site has an administrator who serves as a homeless/foster care liaison, providing information and services to students who are in foster care and to families who find themselves homeless. This may include free bus tickets, school supplies, etc.


    Group Social Counseling and Peer Mediation

    TUSHD contracts with Mr. Jackson to see students who have been referred for conflict resolution, problem solving, advise and other needs student may have that they want to talk to confidential adult.  He is the owner of Dynamic Solutions around teen conflict in San Rafael.


    Peer Resource

    Peer counselors are students with special training from the Peer Resource class.  Peer counselors are trained in listening to and referring students who need help to a confidential environment.  Students can be trained to be a peer counselor by enrolling in the Peer Resource class.  Students may request to speak with a peer counselor by visiting the Counseling Center before school, during break or lunch, or after school.


    Special Education

    A variety of programs serve the many different needs of the special education community, from the mildly learning disabled to the severely handicapped. Resource Specialists classrooms, Special Day Classes and Community Mental Health staff offer student support. For more information about special education programs, contact the Director of Special Education at the Tamalpais Union High

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that all children with disabilities have a free, appropriate education available to them which would meet their unique needs. Through federal and state laws, special education programs and services are provided to students whose disabling conditions interfere with their education. For more information, see the assistant principal or a school counselor (BP/AR 6159).


    Section 504 

    Under Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act, a student qualifies for recommended services related to a disabling condition when there exists a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (breathing, walking, seeing, hearing, working, and learning). 

    Section 504 is a federal law enforced by the Office of Civil Rights.  It is an anti-discrimination law.  It is the intent of the Tamalpais union High School district to ensure that students who are disabled within the meaning of Section 504 are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate access to education.  For more information, see the Assistant Principal of Students Services or a school counselor 9BP/AR 6164.6).


    School Attendance Review Board (SARB)

    The SARB is a committee of administrators, teachers, a probation officer, community members, and school counselors. Attendance hearings require this team's effort in order to recommend interventions, legal avenues or change of placement for certain students with poor attendance and/or behavior patterns.