Work Permits are issued at your school site.
A student can start by completing a Work Permit Request Form , including a parent and employer signature. Bring that completed request form to the school or email it to receive a validated Work Permit.
Redwood: Please see Becky Bjursten, bbjursten@tamdistrict.org, in the College/Career Center.
In the summer, please contact Dina Craft, Principal's Secretrary at 415-945-3620 or dcraft@tamdistrict.org
Archie Williams: Please see Lisa Neumaier, lneumaier@tamdistrict.org, in the College/Career Center.
In the summer, please contact Sandy Howard, Counseling Secretary at 415-458-3434 or showard@tamdistrict.org or Principal LaSandra White.
Tamalpais: Please see the College/Career Center.
In the summer, please contact Laura Keaton, Principal's Secretary at 415-380-3510 or lkeaton@tamdistrict.org OR Jane Shapiro, Counseling Secretary at 415-380-3537 or jshapiro@tamdistrict.org
San Andreas, Tamiscal or private school students can contact any of the above.
Summer schedules vary -- if you can't reach your school site, you can call the District Office at 415-945-1020, or email your completed work permit request form to kcleary@tamdistrict.org