Substitute Teaching
1) Register with the Marin County Office of Education
2) Email Leah Noble-Christoff at
Specify subjects and schools, if you have a preference.
Employment Verification
Request a Verification of Employment (VOE)
1) Email the VOE and the Borrower's Authorization to Leah Noble-Christoff.
2) Please note, there is a 48 hour turnaround time for all verifications once received.
Job Openings
Substitute Teaching
Employment Verification
Contracts & Salary Schedules
Administrative/Management Employees
-Assistant Superintendent Schedule 22-23
-Assistant Superintendent Schedule 21-22
-Management Salary Schedule 22-23
-Management Salary Schedule 22-23
-Management Salary Schedule 21-22
-Management Salary Schedule 20-21
-Management Salary Schedule 19-20
Certificated Employees - Tam Federation of Teachers (TFT)
-Certificated Salary Schedule 2022-23
-Certificated Salary Schedule 2022-23
-Certificated Salary Schedule 2021-22
-Certificated Salary Schedule 2020-21
-Certificated Salary Schedule 2019-20
- Certificated Contract Agreement (pdf)Classified Employees - California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 549
- Classified Salary Schedule 22-23
-Classified Salary Schedule 21-22
-Classified Salary Schedule 20-21
-Classified Salary Schedules 19-20
-Classified Salary Schedules 18-19 Feb-Jun
-Classified Salary Schedules 18-19 Jul-Jan
- CSEA Bargaining Unit Agreement 2014-16 (pdf)Confidential Employees-Confidential Classified Salary Schedule 22-23
-Confidential Classified Salary Schedule 21-22
-Confidential Classified Salary Schedule 20-21