Removal of Suspension Record
According to AR 5144, a student with senior standing, with a record of one prior suspension, may submit a written request to the superintendent to remove (expunge) from that student's official school file the record of that suspension, UNLESS that student was suspended for any of the following acts:
- Possession of a firearm;
- Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense;
- Brandishing a knife;
- Possession of any knife, explosive, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the student at school or at a school activity off school grounds;
- Unlawful sale of any controlled substance;
- Robbery or extortion;
- Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault; and,
- Assault or battery
If your suspension DOES NOT fall under one of the categories above AND you only have one suspension on your record, you are eligible to apply to expunge your suspension. Please follow the steps below to Request the Removal of a Suspension.
How to Request the Removal of a Suspension:
- Any time after completion of your junior year, you may personally write a letter to the Superintendent and email it to kcleary@tamdistrict.org
Superintendent’ Office
Tamalpais Union High School District
P. O. Box 605
Larkspur, CA 94977
OR email it to the Superintendent, c/o Karmela Cleary, at kcleary@tamdistrict.org - Be sure to include:
- Your name
- Your address (street, city, zip)
- Your phone number
- The date you write the letter
- Your school
- Your signature
- Briefly describe the suspension:
- The approximate date
- The reason for the suspension
- State whether it was your only suspension in high school
After the Superintendent has made a decision regarding your request, you will be notified by email.
Please remember that if you should have a suspension for any reason during your senior year, the expunged suspension will once again become part of your discipline record. As long as you have no further discipline records, once you have graduated, there will be no record of your suspension.
Revised 8/20/19