Monday 5/31• Memorial Day
Tuesday 6/1 & Wednesday 6/2
• Ray Diagrams for Lenses (15 minutes)
- pages 22-23 in Optics labs
- Physics Classroom Interactive on Lenses
• Total Internal Reflection (30 minutes)
- conditions for TIR, critical angle
- demos: TIR fiber cable
- example from homework 13
• Periods 1,2,3 - Work on assignments 12 & 13 and ray diagrams (30 minutes)
• Periods 4,5 - LAB: Total Internal Reflection (30 minutes)
- data collection and analysisDue today - Optics Homework 10-11 on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Refraction & Ray Model of Light - lesson 3a-c on Total Internal Reflection
Homework: Assignment #12-13 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Thu 6/3 & Fri 6/4
Thursday 5/27 & Friday 5/28
• Total Internal Reflection (15 minutes)
- review TIR and critical angle equation
• Periods 1,2,3 - LAB: Total Internal Reflection (30 minutes)
- data collection and analysis
- prism ray diagram in this lab is great quiz prep!
• Periods 4,5 - Optics Quiz 2 on Refraction and Lenses (30 minutes)
- Positive Physics Unit 201: "lenses - calculation method" (3 questions)
- Ray diagrams for converging and divering lenses (2 ray diagrams)
- Prism problem with protractor, ruler, Snell's law - make sure you can draw a prism ray diagram! (1 prism problem)
Due today - Snell's Law Lab on Google Classroom
Optics Homework 12-13 and Ray Diagrams (pages 22-23) on Google Classroom
Total Internal Reflection Lab on Google Classroom
Monday 5/24• Snell's Law of Refraction (25 minutes)
- examples from HW 7 & 8
- prism problems with geometry
Due today - Optics Homework 7-9 on Google ClassroomHomework: Assignment #10 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Tue 6/1 & Wed 6/2
Tuesday 5/25 & Wednesday 5/26
• Refraction and Lenses (30 minutes)
- lens characteristics
- converging (convex) vs. diverging (concave)
- focal length variables
- demo: "Fresnel lens melts penny"
• Optics Unit Homework (40 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #10
- work on Assignment #11Due today - Refraction of Light Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Refraction & Ray Model of Light - lesson 3a-c,h on Image Formation by Lenses
Homework: Assignment #11 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Tue 6/1 & Wed 6/2
Thursday 5/27 & Friday 5/28
• Refraction and Lenses (20 minutes)
- thin lens equation
- sign conventions, comparison to mirrors
- examples from homework
• LAB: Snell's Law (40 minutes)
- data collection and analysis
• Optics Unit Homework (10 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #11
- work on Assignment #12
Due today - Optics HW 10 & 11 for "stamp" points
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Refraction & Ray Model of Light - lesson 3d-g on Image Formation by Lenses
Homework: Snell's Law Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Thu 6/3 & Fri 6/4
Homework: Assignment #12 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Tue 6/1 & Wed 6/2
Monday 5/17• Concave and Convex Mirrors (15 minutes)
- mirror/magnification equations example problems (using both equations)
- ray diagram for convex mirrors
- mirror summary for review
• Refraction of Light (15 minutes)
- refraction of light
- index of refraction
Due today - Optics Homework 4-6 on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Refraction & Ray Model of Light - lesson 1a-f on Refraction at a BoundaryHomework: Assignment #7 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/24
Tuesday 5/18 & Wednesday 5/19
• Refraction of Light (20 minutes)
- path of least time
- demo: "Disappearing Beaker"
- Snell's Law
• Optics Unit Homework (5 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #7
• LAB: Refraction of Light, part A (30 minutes)
- data collection and analysis for real imagesDue today - Curved Mirror Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Refraction & Ray Model of Light - lesson 2a-d on Mathematics of Refraction
Homework: Refraction of Light Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 5/25 & Wed 5/26
Homework: Assignment #8 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/24
Thursday 5/20 & Friday 5/21
• Optics Quiz 1 on Reflection and Mirrors: concave and convex mirror calculations and ray diagrams (20 minutes)
- Positive Physics Unit 201: 2 sections called "mirrors - visual method" and "mirrors - calculation method"
- Ray diagrams for concave mirror making smaller and larger real images, and larger virtual image; convex mirror making smaller virtual image
• LAB: Refraction of Light, part B (20 minutes)
- data collection and analysis for real images
• Optics Unit Homework (10 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #8
• Refraction of Light (20 minutes)
- more on Snell's Law
- light path through a prism
Due today - Optics HW 7 & 8 for "stamp" points
Homework: Refraction of Light Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 5/25 & Wed 5/26
Homework: Assignment #9 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/24
Monday 5/10• Virtual images vs real images (10 minutes)
- demo: "Concave and Convex mirrors"
- define virtual and real images
• Concave vs convex mirrors (10 minutes)
- focus, focal length, center of curvature, radius of curvature
- real focus, virtual focus
- intro to ray diagrams
Due today - Optics Homework 1-3 on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Reflection & Ray Model of Light - lesson 3a-c,e, 4a on Concave & Convex MirrorsHomework: Assignment #4 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/17
Tuesday 5/11 & Wednesday 5/12
• Spherical aberration (5 minutes)
- simulation comparing spherical & parabolic mirror
• Optics Unit Homework (10 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #4
• LAB: Curved Mirrors, part A (60 minutes)
- data collection and analysis for real images
- ray diagram for concave lensDue today - Plane Mirror Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Reflection & Ray Model of Light - lesson 3d,g, 4b on Ray Diagrams and Spherical Aberration
Homework: Curved Mirror Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 5/18 & Wed 5/19
Homework: Assignment #5 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/17
Thursday 5/13 & Friday 5/14
• Mirror equation and magnification equation (15 minutes)
- sign conventions
- examples
• Optics Unit Homework (10 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #5
• LAB: Curved Mirrors, part B (50 minutes)
- data collection and analysis for virtual images
- ray diagram for concave and convex lens
Due today - Optics HW 4 & 5 for "stamp" points
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Reflection & Ray Model of Light - lesson 3e,f, 4c,d on Image Characteristics & Mirror Equation
Homework: Curved Mirror Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 5/18 & Wed 5/19
Homework: Assignment #6 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/17
Monday 5/3
• Optics Unit (20 minutes)
- homework assignments online
- Law of Reflection and mirrors
- optics demo: "Modulated Laser"
• Concept Builders (5 minutes)
- "Law of Reflection"
- "Who Can See Who?"
Due today - Waves Homework 13-15 on Google ClassroomReading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Reflection & Ray Model of Light - lesson 1a-d on Light Rays and Law of ReflectionHomework: Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Due date: Thu 5/6 & Fri 5/7
Homework: Assignment #1 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/10
Tuesday 5/2 & Wednesday 5/3
• LAB: Reflections from a Plane Mirror, parts A & B (75 minutes)
- data collection and analysis
Due today - Diffraction and Interference of Light on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Reflection & Ray Model of Light - lesson 2a-d on Image from a Plane MirrorHomework: Plane Mirror Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 5/11 & Wed 5/12
Homework: Assignment #2 & from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/10Thursday 5/4 & Friday 5/5• Waves and Sound Quiz 3 on diffraction and interference: single slit (honors), double slit, multiple slit (20 minutes)
- Positive Physics Unit 200: last 3 sections on single slit (honors), double slit, multiple slit diffraction
- Need to do review? Try the Work and Extra practice sections!
• Optics Unit Homework (20 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #1-3
• Optics demos: “Minimum Length of a Mirror” and “Reversed Image” (15 minutes)
• Discuss observations from Plane Mirror Lab (20 minutes)
- L.O.S.T. properties
- virtual images
Due today - Optics HW 1 & 2 for "stamp" points
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Homework: Assignment #3 from Optics Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/10
Monday 4/26
• Wave Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction (15 minutes)
- laws of reflection and refraction
- sound waves, water waves, and light waves
- conditions for diffraction
- demo: "Light through a slit in paper"
• Work on completing last week's HW and Lab
Due today - Waves Homework 10-12 on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Light Waves and Color - lesson 3a-b on Interference Pattern and Path DifferenceHomework: Assignment #13 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/3
Tuesday 4/27 & Wednesday 4/28Homework: Assignment #14 & from Waves Unit Homework
• Interference of Light (25 minutes)
- single slit diffraction (Honors only)
- double slit diffraction
- diffraction gratings
- demo: "light filament with diffraction gratings"
- examples from homework
• Waves Unit Homework (25 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #13
- work on Assignment #14
Due today - Interference of Water Waves on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Light Waves and Color - lesson 1a-b on Behaviors of Light and Two Point Interference
Due date: Mon 5/3Thursday 4/29 & Friday 4/30• Waves and Interference Quiz #2 (25 minutes)
- google form quiz: 12 multiple choice questions from HW #7-12
• Diffraction and Interference of Light Lab (30 minutes)- data collection and analysis
• Waves Unit Homework (20 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #13-15
Due today - Waves HW 13 & 14 for "stamp" points
Homework: Assignment #15 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 5/3
Monday 4/19
• Juniors and seniors CAASPP Testing 9:40a-12:10p
• Work to complete from last week
- Waves Homework 7-9 due tonight on Google Classroom
- Standing Waves on Strings Lab due Tue/Wed on Google Classroom
Tuesday 4/20 & Wednesday 4/21Homework: Assignment #10 & #11 from Waves Unit Homework
• Harmonics and beat frequency (25 minutes)
- timbre, harmonics and complex waves
- demo: "Chladni plate harmonics"- beat frequency- demo: “Two Tuning Forks”
• Interference patterns (25 minutes)- constructive and destructive interference- equations for maxima and minima
- demo: "Interference of Sound from Speakers" (example/calculations)
• Waves Unit Homework (25 minutes)
- work on Assignment #10 and #11
Due today - Standing Waves on Strings Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Behavior of Sound Waves - lesson 3b on Interference and Beats
Due date: Mon 4/26Thursday 4/22 & Friday 4/23• Interference of Water Waves Lab (45 minutes)
- data collection and analysis
• Waves Unit Homework (30 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #10
- work on Assignment #11 and #12
Due today - Waves HW 10 & 11 for "stamp" points
Homework: Interference of Water Waves Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 4/27 & Wed 4/28
Homework: Assignment #10-12 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 4/26
Monday 4/12
• Natural frequency, resonance, standing waves (10 minutes)
- harmonics of stringed instruments
- harmonic equations, examples
• Concept Builders (5 minutes)
- "Name That Harmonic: Strings"
- "Name That Harmonic: Open-End Air Columns"
- "Name That Harmonic: Closed-End Air Columns"
• Waves Unit Homework (10 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #6
- work on Assignment #7
Due today - Waves Homework 4-6 on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Sound Waves and Music - lessons 4a-d on Resonance and Standing Waves
Homework: Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu 4/15 & Fri 4/16
Homework: Assignment #7 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 4/19Tuesday 4/13 & Wednesday 4/14Homework: Assignment #8 from Waves Unit Homework
• Standing waves demonstrations
- "string resonance"
- "air column resonance"
• Wind Instruments (35 minutes)
- harmonics of open air columns
- harmonic equations, examples
• Waves Unit Homework (40 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #7
- work on Assignment #8
Due today - Speed of Sound Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Sound Waves and Music - lesson 5a-d on Physics of Musical Instruments
Due date: Mon 4/19Thursday 4/15 & Friday 4/16• Waves and Sound Quiz #1 (20 minutes)
- google form quiz: 12 multiple choice questions from HW #1-6• Wind Instruments (10 minutes)
- harmonics of closed air columns
- harmonic equations, examples
• Standing Waves on Strings Lab (30 minutes)
- data collection and analysis
• Waves Unit Homework (15 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #8
- work on Assignment #9
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Homework: Harmonics Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 4/20 & Wed 4/21
Homework: Assignment #9 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 4/19
Monday 3/29
• Demo: "Wave Machine" (5 minutes)
- closed vs. open end reflections
- wave pulse vs. progressive wave
- standing wave preview
• Concept Builders
- "Rocking the Boat"
- "Wave Interference"
• Speed of sound waves (10 minutes)
- inertial and elastic properties of medium
- speed dependent on temperature
• Physiological characteristics (10 minutes)
- pitch (vs. frequency), loudness (vs. amplitude), timbre
Due today - Waves Homework 1-3 on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Sound Waves and Music - lessons 1a-c, 2a,2c on Sound Waves/Properties
Homework: Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu 4/1 & Fri 4/2
Homework: Assignment #4 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 4/12Tuesday 3/30 & Wednesday 3/31Homework: Assignment #5 from Waves Unit Homework
• Demo: “Pitch and loudness” with Frequency vs Decibel website
• Doppler Effect (intro video)
- demo: “Doppler toy”
- equation, example problems
• Waves Unit Homework (30 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #4
- work on Assignment #5
Due today - Slinky Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Behavior of Sound Waves - lesson 3b on Doppler Effect
Due date: Mon 4/12Thursday 4/1 & Friday 4/2
• Sound intensity vs. sound level
- definition, units
- how humans interpret "how loud"
- comparison table of intensity vs. level
• Speed of Sound Lab (30 minutes)
- data collection and analysis
• Waves unit homework (25 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #5
- work on Assignment #6
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Sound Waves and Music - lessons 2b on Sound Intensity and Decibel Scale
Homework: Speed of Sound on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 4/13 & Wed 4/14
Homework: Assignment #6 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 4/12
Monday 3/22
• Waves Unit introduction (5 minutes)
- Positive Physics Unit 18 (coming soon)
- Physics Classroom tutorials, concept builders, review sessions
- Waves Unit Homework
• Concept Builders (10 minutes)
- "Frequency and Period"
- "Wave Basics"
• Wave basics (15 minutes)
- what is a wave?
- transverse vs. longitudinal vs. surface waves
- mechanical vs. electromagnetic waves
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Vibrations and Waves - lessons 1a-c on The Nature of a Wave
Homework: Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu 3/25 & Fri 3/26
Homework: Assignment #1 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 3/29
Tuesday 3/23 & Wednesday 3/24Homework: Assignment #2 from Waves Unit Homework
• Waves demonstration (15 minutes)
- sound waves and EM waves in a vacuumed bell jar
• Wave properties (15 minutes)
- wavelength, amplitude, energy, frequency, period, and speed
• Wave reflection (15 minutes)
- open end and closed end reflections
• Waves unit homework (30 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #1
- work on Assignment #2
Due today - Series and Parallel Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Vibrations and Waves - lessons 2a-e on Properties of a Wave
Due date: Mon 3/29Thursday 3/25 & Friday 3/26
• Principle of superposition (10 minutes)
- constructive vs. destructive interference
• Wave reflection and transmission (10 minutes)
- partial reflection, impedance match
- torsional waves on a "wave machine"
• Slinky Lab (30 minutes)
• Waves Unit Homework (25 minutes)
- questions from Assignment #2
- work on Assignment #3
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Homework: Slinky Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Tue 3/30 & Wed 3/31
Homework: Assignment #3 from Waves Unit Homework
Due date: Mon 3/29
Monday 3/15
• Concept Builders (15 minutes)
- "Case Studies: Electric Power"
- "Which One Doesn't Belong: Equivalent Resistance"
- "Series Circuits: ∆V=IR Calculations"
- "Parallel Circuits: ∆V=IR Calculations"
• Positive Physics - Unit 20 (15 minutes)
- Equivalent resistance and combination circuits
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Electrical Circuits - lessons 3d, 4e on Power and Combination Circuits
Homework: Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu 3/18 & Fri 3/19
Tuesday 3/16 & Wednesday 3/17Homework: Unit 20 on positivephysics.org
• LAB: Series and Parallel Circuits (40 minutes)
- data collection from classroom lab station
- data analysis and questions
• Positive Physics - Unit 20 (35 minutes)
- Combination circuits
Due today - Ohm's Law Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Thu 3/18 & Fri 3/19Thursday 3/18 & Friday 3/19
• Review questions on CBs, Positive Physics, Lab (30 minutes)
• Quiz - Unit 20 (40 minutes)
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Due today - Unit 20 - Circuit Analysis on Positive Physics
Monday 3/8
• Electric Circuits (20 minutes)
- voltage, current, and resistance
- anatomy of a circuit (source vs. load)
- Ohm's law (ohmic vs. non-ohmic)
• Concept Builders (10 minutes)
- "I = ∆V/R Equations"
- "Series vs. Parallel Circuits"
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Electrical Circuits - lessons 2d on Power and 3c on Ohm's Law
Homework: Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu 3/11 & Fri 3/12
Tuesday 3/9 & Wednesday 3/10Homework: Unit 20 on positivephysics.org
• Series and Parallel Circuits (35 minutes)
- equations for voltage, current, resistance
- power laws for each circuit
- RIVP tables
- demo: two bulbs in series vs. parallel
• Positive Physics - Unit 20 (40 minutes)
- Inquiry, Vocab & Concepts, Light Bulbs 1, Current Calculations
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Electrical Circuits - lessons 4a-d on Circuit Connections
Due date: Mon 3/15Thursday 3/11 & Friday 3/12Homework: Lab - Ohms Law Lab
• LAB: Ohm's Law (30 minutes)
- data collection from classroom lab station
- data analysis using TI graphing calculator or phone app
• Positive Physics - Unit 20 (45 minutes)
- CP 1-3, Various, Light Bulbs 2
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Due date: Tue 3/16 & Wed 3/17 on Google Classroom
Monday 3/1
• Discuss Hybrid Learning (15 minutes)
• Review Unit 19 and Electric Fields Lab (15 minutes)
today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Due today - Unit 19 - Electric Force on Positive Physics
Homework: Finish Unit 19 and Electric Fields Lab
Tuesday 3/2 & Wednesday 3/3Homework: TPC Tutorials and Concept Builders (shown above)
• Electric Potential Difference (30 minutes)
Sorry, the videos aren't available yet for these lessons, but the lessons are REALLY worth reading!!!
- Electric Field and Movement of Charge
- Electric Potential
- Electric Potential Difference
• Potential Differnce demostrations (15 minutes)
- masses falling from heights
- Van de Graaff generator
• Concept Builders (15 minutes)
- "Know Your Potential"
- "Current"
- "Resistance Ranking Tasks"
Due today - Electric Field Simulations Lab on Google Classroom
Due date: Thu 3/4 & Fri 3/5Thursday 3/4 & Friday 3/5
• Quiz on Unit 19 (20 minutes)
• Electric Current, and Resistance (40 minutes)
Sorry, the videos aren't available yet for these lessons, but the lessons are REALLY worth reading!!!
- Current
- Resistance
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Monday 2/22
• Static Electricity lessons (20 minutes)
- Coulomb's Law (or video tutorial)
- Inverse Square Law (or video tutorial on Proportional Reasoning)
• Concept Builders (10 minutes)
- "Coulomb's Law"
today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Homework: TPC Tutorials and Concept Builders (shown above)
Homework: Review Sessions on Physics Classroom - Problems 19,33,34,38
Due date: Thu 2/25 & Fri 2/26
Tuesday 2/23 & Wednesday 2/24today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
• Static Electricity lessons (25 minutes)
- Action at a Distance (or video tutorial)
- Electric Field (or video tutorial)
- Electric Field Lines (or video tutorial)
• Concept Builders (25 minutes)
- "Electric Field"
- "Electric Field Intensity"
• Positive Physics - Unit 19 Electric Force (25 minutes)
Homework: TPC Tutorials and Concept Builders (shown above)
Homework: Unit 19 - Electric Force on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 3/1Thursday 2/25 & Friday 2/26
• Review work for the week (20 minutes)
• LAB: Electric Field Simulations (45 minutes)
Homework: finish Electric Field lab
Due date: Tue 3/9 & Wed 3/10
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
Monday 2/8
• Static Electricity lessons
- Structure of Matter
- Neutral vs. Charged Objects (or video tutorial)
- Charge Interactions (or video tutorial)
- Conductors and Insulators (or video tutorial)
• Concept Builders
- "Charge and Charging"
- "Getting the Hang of Charge"
- "Conductors and Insulators"
today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Homework: TPC Tutorials and Concept Builders (shown above)
Due date: Thu 2/11 & Fri 2/12
Tuesday 2/9 & Wednesday 2/10today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
• Static Electricity lessons (45 minutes)
- Polarization (or video tutorial)
- Triboelectric Charging (or video tutorial)
- Charging by Induction (or video tutorial)
- Charging by Conduction (or video tutorial)
• Concept Builders (30 minutes)
- "Polarization"
- "Triboelectric Charging"
- "Charging by Induction"
Due today - Oscillations Lab on Google Classroom
Homework: TPC Tutorials and Concept Builders (shown above)
Due date: Thu 2/11 & Fri 2/12
Thursday 2/11 & Friday 2/12
• Review lessons from this week (30 minutes)
• Quiz on Static Electricity (30 minutes)
- Google Form quiz on Google Classroom account
Due today - Concept Builders on Physics ClassroomMonday 2/1
• Positive Physics - Unit 17 Springs and Oscillations (30 minutes)
- review all sections
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Homework: Unit 17
Due date: Tue 2/2 & Wed 2/3
Tuesday 2/2 & Wednesday 2/3Due today - Unit 17 - Springs and Oscillations on Positive Physics
• LAB: Oscillations (75 minutes)
- Part A: Build your own simple pendulum and collect/analyze data
- Parts B&C: Hooke's law and mass/spring oscillation with classroom lab setup, data collection
- Need to have a graphing calculator or phone app to complete part B of this lab!Homework: Lab - Oscillations
Due date: Tue 2/9 & Wed 2/10Thursday 2/4 & Friday 2/5
• Quiz on Unit 17 (30 minutes)
•. Work on Oscillations lab
- questions after quiz
• Introduce the next unit on Electricity
- Physics Classroom will be used more, including Tutorials, Video Tutorials, Concept Builders, and Review Sessions
- reading (or watching) the assigned tutorials is essential!Monday 1/25
• Positive Physics (30 minutes)
- questions from Unit 15 - Torque
• HONORS ONLY - Rotational Motion
- Bozeman Science vides on rotational motion, rotational inertia, angular momentum, and conservation of angular momentum
- Unit 16 Vocab and Concepts, Inquiry
Honors only: Due today - unit 15 - Torque on Positive Physics
Homework: Unit 15 (Honors Unit 16)Tuesday 1/26 (Periods 1,2,3)
• Positive Physics - Unit 15 Torque (15 minutes)
- review, last chance for HW questions
• Springs and Oscillations powerpoint (20 minutes)
- frequency and period
- spring force, Hooke's law, elastic potential energy
• Positive Physics - Unit 17 Springs and Oscillations (40 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- examples from inquiry, Hooke's law, frequency and period
- class time to work, ask questions
Regular Physics only: Due today - unit 15 - Torque on Positive Physics
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Vibrations and Waves - lessons 0a-d on Terminology and Concepts
Homework: Unit 17
Wednesday 1/27 (Periods 4,5)
• Rotational Motion
- overview of rotational motion (kinematics, dynamics, momentum, energy)
• Positive Physics - Unit 16 Rotational Motion (30 minutes)
- Unit 16 Angular Motion, Angular Momentum, Rotational Energy
- example problems
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Vibrations and Waves - lessons 0a-d on Terminology and Concepts
Homework: Unit 16Thursday 1/28 (Periods 1,2,3: 55 minute periods)
• Quiz on Unit 15 (30 minutes)• Springs and Oscillations powerpoint (10 minutes)
- pendulum oscillation
- mass/spring oscillation
• Positive Physics - Unit 17 Springs and Oscillations (15 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- examples from vocab&concepts, spring energy, oscillation problems
- class time to work, ask questions
Homework: Unit 17
• Quiz on Unit 15 (30 minutes)
• Springs and Oscillations powerpoint (20 minutes)
- frequency and period
- pendulum oscillation
- spring force, Hooke's law, elastic potential energy
- mass/spring oscillation
• Positive Physics - Unit 17 Springs and Oscillations (15 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- examples from inquiry, Hooke's law, frequency/period, vocab&concepts, spring energy, oscillation problems
- class time to work, ask questions
Homework: Unit 17
Monday 1/18
• MLK Day - no schoolTuesday 1/19 & Wednesday 1/20
• Torque and Rotation powerpoint (20 minutes)- torque definition and units
- example problems
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (15 minutes)- demonstrate "Getting a Handle on Torque" and "Torque-ing About Rotation"
- Wheel and See-Saw problems
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Due today: Unit 13 - Energy on Positive PhysicsDue today: Lab - Phet Energy Simulations on Google ClassroomHomework: Concept Builders
Due date: Thu 1/21 & Fri 1/22Thursday 1/21 & Friday 1/22• Quiz on Unit 13 (40 minutes)
• Positive Physics Unit 15 (35 minutes)
- Inquiry using Phet Simulation "Balancing Act"
- Complete Problems 1&2, Challenge (honors)
Due today: Concept Builders "Getting a Handle on Torque" and "Torque-ing About Rotation" on Physics Classroom
Homework: Unit 15 - Torque on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 1/25
Monday 1/11
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)- demonstrate "Energy Ranking Tasks", "Match That Bar Chart"
- The CB called "LOL Charts (a.k.a. Energy Bar Charts)" will be introduced later this week
• Work, Energy, Power powerpoint (10 minutes)
- power definition, units, examples
• Positive Physics (10 minutes)
- questions from homework due today
Due today: unit 13 - Energy on Positive Physics (more sections assigned tomorrow)
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Work and Energy - lessons 1e-f on Terminology and Concepts
Homework: Concept Builders "Energy Ranking Tasks" and "Match That Bar Chart" on physicsclassroom.comDue date: Thu 1/14 & Fri 1/15Tuesday 1/12 & Wednesday 1/13
• Work, Energy, Power powerpoint (20 minutes)
- conservation of energy
• Positive Physics - Unit 13 Energy (45 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- examples from CoE, CP1,2&3, and Power (and Challenge for honors)
- class time to work, ask questions
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)
- "LOL Charts (a.k.a. Energy Bar Charts)"
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Work and Energy - lessons 2a-c on Work-Energy RelationshipHomework: Concept Builders "LOL Charts (a.k.a. Energy Bar Charts)" on physicsclassroom.comDue date: Thu 1/14 & Fri 1/15Homework: Unit 13 - Energy on positivephysics.org
Due date: Tue 1/19 & Wed 1/20Thursday 1/14 & Friday 1/15• LAB: PHET Energy Simulations (50 minutes)
• Work on assignments due (25 minutes)
- Concept Builders, Positive Physics, LabDue today: Concept Builders "Energy Ranking Tasks", "Match That Bar Chart" and "LOL Charts (a.k.a. Energy Bar Charts)" on Physics Classroom
Homework: Lab - PHET Energy Simulations
Due date: Tue 1/19 & Wed 1/20
Wednesday 1/6
• Fall semester grades are finalized at the end of the day - check your grade for any missing work!
• Work, Energy, Power powerpoint (15 minutes)- work and energy- kinetic energy (KE)
- gravitational potential energy (GPE)- elastic potential energy (EPE)
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (15 minutes)
- demonstrate "Work", "Name That Energy" and "What's Up (and Down) with KE and PE?"
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Work and Energy - lessons 1a-d on Terminology and Concepts
Homework: Concept Builders "Work", "Name That Energy" and "What's Up (and Down) with KE and PE?" on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu 1/7 & Friday 1/8Thursday 1/7 & Friday 1/8
• Work, Energy, Power powerpoint (25 minutes)- energy equations for KE, GPE, and EPE- example calculations
• Positive Physics - Unit 13 Energy (50 minutes)
- energy identification 1&2
- embedded math
- vocabulary and concepts
Due date: Monday 1/11UNIT 11 AND UNIT 14 QUIZ ON THE FINAL EXAM DAYMonday 12/14
• Review for Unit 11 and 14 quizzes
- finish HW on Positive Physics
- finish Concept Builders on Physics Classroom
- optional: do Extra Practice on Positive Physics
Due today: Unit 14 - Momentum on Positive Physics
Due today: Concept Builders on Physics ClassroomTuesday 12/15
Period 1 - 8:30-10:30
Period 2 - 11:00-1:00
Wednesday 12/16Smart - 8:30-10:30
Period 3 - 11:00-1:00Thursday 12/17
Period 4 - 8:30-10:30
Period 5 - 11:00-1:00
Friday 12/18Period 6 - 8:30-10:30
Period 7 - 11:00-1:00Monday 12/7
• LAB: Newton's Law of Gravity and Kepler's Laws of Planets (30 minutes)
- check in on Parts A and B
- work on Part C (Honors only)
Due today: The Apple and the Moon video worksheet
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Momentum and Its Conservation - lessons 1a-c on Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Homework: Finish video notes, work on Unit 11 HW and the Lab from last weekTuesday 12/8 & Wednesday 12/9
• Impusle and Momentum powerpoint (20 minutes)
- momentum and impulse defined
- impulse momentum theorem
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)- demonstrate "Explosions - Law Enforcement" and "Hit and Stick Collisions - Law Enforcement"
• Positive Physics - Unit 14 Momentum (45 minutes)
- examples from Vocab & Concepts, Definition of Momentum
- class time to work, ask questions
Due today: Unit 11 - Universal Gravitation on Positive Physics
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Momentum and Its Conservation - lessons 1b-f on Conservation of MomentumHomework: Concept Builders "Explosions - Law Enforcement" and "Hit and Stick Collisions - Law Enforcement" on physicsclassroom.comDue date: Mon 12/14Homework: Unit 14 - Momentum on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 12/14Thursday 12/10 & Friday 12/11• Impusle and Momentum powerpoint (25 minutes)
- conservation of momentum
- explosions, inelastic collisions, elastic collisions
• Positive Physics - Unit 14 Momentum (50 minutes)
- examples from Conservation of Momentum, CP1,2,3, Challenge
- class time to work, ask questionsDue today: Newton's Law of Gravity and Kepler's Laws of Planets
Homework: Finish unit 14 homework and concept builders
Due date: Mon 12/14
Monday 11/30
• Reminder to finish the DIY Centripetal Force Kit Lab, including short video on GC showing you doing the lab
- due on Tue 12/1 & Wed 12/2
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)- demonstrate "Universal Gravitation" and "Gravitational Field Strength"
• video: The Apple and the Moon (from The Mechanical Universe series at Cal Tech) (20 minutes)
- complete worksheet and submit on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Circular Motion and Satellite Motion - lessons 3a-e on Universal Gravitation
Homework: Concept Builders "Universal Gravitation" and "Gravitational Field Strength" on physicsclassroom.comDue date: Thu 12/3 & Fri 12/4Tuesday 12/1 & Wednesday 12/2
• Law of Universal Gravitation powerpoint (30 minutes)
- Newton's law of universal gravitation
- Gravitational field strength
- Concept Builder on g field
- Kepler's laws of planetary motion
• Positive Physics - Unit 11 Universal Gravitation (45 minutes)
- examples from gravitational force problems and inquiry
- class time to work, ask questions
Due today: DIY Centripetal Force Kit Lab on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Circular Motion and Satellite Motion - lessons 4a-e on Planetary and Satellite MotionHomework: unit 11 - Universal Gravitation on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 12/7Thursday 12/3 & Friday 12/4• Quiz on Unit 10 - Circular Motion (40 minutes)
• LAB: Newton's Law of Gravity and Kepler's Laws of Planets (35 minutes)
- PHET simulation on any computerDue today: Concept Builders "Universal Gravitation" and "Gravitational Field Strength" on Physics Classroom
Homework: Lab - Newton's Law of Gravity and Kepler's Laws of Planets
Due date: Tue 12/8 & Wed 12/9
Monday 11/16
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)- demonstrate "Circular Logic", "Case Studies - Circular Motion" and "FBDs in Circular Motion"
• Circular Motion powerpoint (10 minutes)
- uniform circular motion, equations using radius and period
- example of centripetal acceleration on Earth
- intro to lab on Thu/Fri, collect materials for lab
• Positive Physics - Unit 10 Circular Motion (10 minutes)
- examples from Vocab & Concepts, FBD analysis, CP 1
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Circular Motion - lessons 1e, 2a
Homework: Concept Builders "Circular Logic", "Case Studies - Circular Motion" and "FBDs in Circular Motion" on physicsclassroom.comDue date: Thu 11/19 & Fri 11/20Tuesday 11/17 & Wednesday 11/18
• Positive Physics - Unit 10 Circular Motion (15 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- examples from CP 2&3 (and Challenge for honors)
- class time to work, ask questions
• Quiz on Unit 9 - Incline Forces (40 minutes)
Homework: finish Concept Builders and Unit 10 HWThursday 11/19 & Friday 11/20• LAB: DIY Centripetal Force Kit Lab (50 minutes)
- build your Centripetal Force Kit, practice uniform circular motion
- collect time trial data ONLY IF someone in your house can use a stopwatch app
• Work on assignments due today (25 minutes)
- Concept Builders
- Unit 10 homeworkDue today: Concept Builders "Circular Logic", "Case Studies - Circular Motion" and "FBDs in Circular Motion" on Physics Classroom
Due today: unit 10 - Circular Motion on Positive Physics
Due date: Tue 12/1 & Wed 12/2
Monday 11/9 & Tuesday 11/10
• Quiz on Unit 7 - Systems (45 minutes)
• Work on Inclined Plane Lab and Unit 9 Homework (30 minutes)
- question and answer time
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Circular Motion - lessons 1a-cWednesday 11/11
• Veteran's Day - no schoolThursday 11/12 & Friday 11/13
• Circular Motion powerpoint (30 minutes)• Positive Physics - Unit 10 Circular Motion (45 minutes)
- centripetal acceleration and centripetal force
- uniform circular motion
- examples from FBDs, Vocab & Concepts, CP1
- class time to work, ask questions
Due today: unit 9 - Incline Forces on Positive PhysicsDue today: Lab - Inclined Plane on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Circular Motion - lesson 1d
Homework: unit 10 - Circular Motion on positivephysics.org
Due date: Tue 11/17 & Wed 11/18
Monday 11/2
• Quiz on Unit 6 - Friction Forces (30 minutes)
Due today: Unit 7 - Systems on Positive PhysicsTuesday 11/3 & Wednesday 11/4
• Newton's Laws of Motion powerpoint (30 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- incline forces, free body diagrams on inclined plane
- weight components on inclined plane
- examples from homework
• Positive Physics - Unit - 9 Incline Forces (45 minutes)
- examples from FBDs, Vocab & Concepts, CP1
- class time to work, ask questionsDue today: Lab - Coefficients of Friction on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions - Inclined Planes lesson 3fHomework: Unit 9 - Incline Forces on positivephysics.org
Due date: Thu 11/12 & Fri 11/13Thursday 11/5 & Friday 11/6• LAB: Inclined Plane (30 minutes)
- finish data collection, work on data analysis, questions
- compile group data into Google Sheets
• Positive Physics - Unit - 9 Incline Forces (15 minutes)
- examples from CP2&3, Challenge
• Extra Practice pre-quiz on Unit 7 - Systems (30 minutes)
Homework: Lab - Inclined Plane
Due date: Thu 11/12 & Fri 11/13Monday 10/26
• Check in on last week's work (20 minutes)
- Positive Physics Complete Problems 1-4 and Challenge (honors)
- Friction Lab: questions about data collection, analysis
Due today: unit 6 - Friction on Positive PhysicsTuesday 10/27 & Wednesday 10/28
• Newton's Laws of Motion powerpoint (40 minutes)- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
- Inquiry problem
- two mass "system" problems (system mass vs single mass applications of 2nd Law)
- examples from homework
• LAB: Coefficients of Friction (35 minutes)
- finish data collection, work on data analysis, questions
- compile group data into Google Sheets
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Newton's Laws - Double Trouble lesson 3fHomework: unit 7 - Systems on positivephysics.org (inquiry, fbd drawings, vocab/concepts, CP1)
Due date: Mon 11/2
Homework: Lab - Coefficients of Friction
Due date: Tue 11/3 & Wed 11/4Thursday 10/29 & Friday 10/30• Positive Physics - Unit 7 Systems (45 minutes)
- examples from Complete Problems
- class time to work, ask questions
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Homework: unit 7 - Systems on positivephysics.org (fbd analysis, CP2, CP3, Challenge (honors))
Due date: Mon 11/2
Monday 10/19
• Check in on last week's work (20 minutes)
- Positive Physics Complete Problems 1-4 and Challenge (honors)
- Newton's Second Law Lab analysis and question
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)- work on "Recognizing Forces" and "Match That Free Body Diagram"
Due today: unit 5 -Intro to Forces on Positive Physics
Due date: Thu/Fri this weekTuesday 10/20 & Wednesday 10/21
• Newton's Laws of Motion powerpoint (30 minutes)
- Static and Kinetic Friction
- Demo: Brick on wood calculation of coefficient of friction
- Find materials at home for inclinded plane and mass to do lab on Thu/Fri- Example problems including free body diagrams
• Positive Physics (45 minutes)
- work on Unit 6 Friction Forces
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Newton's Laws - Types of Forces lessons 2b (bottom of page)Homework: unit 6 - Friction Forces on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 10/26Thursday 10/22 & Friday 10/23• Quiz on Unit 5 (30 minutes)
• LAB: Coefficients of Friction (45 minutes)
Due today: Concept Builders "Recognizing Forces" and "Match That Free Body Diagram" on Physics Classroom
Homework: Lab - Coefficients of Friction
Due date: Tue 10/27 & Wed 10/28
Monday 10/12
• Newton's Laws of Motion powerpoint (20 minutes)
- introduction to Newton's 2nd Law
- mass vs. weight
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (10 minutes)- work on "Newton's Second Law", "Mass And Weight" and "Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces"
Due today: Physics Classroom homework (turn this in with photos uploaded to Google Classroom)
Due date: Thu/Fri this weekTuesday 10/13 & Wednesday 10/14
• Newton's Laws of Motion powerpoint (30 minutes)
- Forces: Weight, Normal, Tension, Friction, Drag, Thrust/Applied- Free Body Diagrams (Force Diagrams)
• Positive Physics (45 minutes)
- work on Unit 5 Introduction to Forces
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Newton's Laws - Force and its Representation lessons 2a-dHomework: unit 5 - Introduction to Forces on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 10/19Thursday 10/15 & Friday 10/16• LAB: Newton's 2nd Law (45 minutes)
• Work on assignments (30 minutes)
- Lab anaysis and questions
- Concept Builders on TPC
- Unit 5 in Positive PhysicsDue today: Concept Builders "Newton's Second Law", "Mass And Weight" and "Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces" on Physics Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Newton's Laws - Newton's Second Law of Motion lessons 3a-d
Homework: Lab - Newton's Second Law
Due date: Tue 10/20 & Wed 10/21
Monday 10/5
• Quiz on Unit 3 - Freefall (30 minutes)
Due today: unit 4 - Projectile Motion on Positive PhysicsTuesday 10/6 & Wednesday 10/7
• Newton's Laws of Motion - Law of Inertia (45 minutes)- inertia vs mass
- inertia demonstration videos
• Positive Physics (30 minutes)
- review questions on Unit 4 for quiz
Due today: Lab - Projectile Motion - Angled Launch on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Newton's Laws - lessons 1a-dHomework: Newton's Laws on physicsclassroom.com - questions 1,4 (explain each answer in your own words)
Due date: Mon 10/12Thursday 10/8 & Friday 10/9• Newton's Laws of Motion - Law of Action/Reaction (30 minutes)
- examples of equal and opposite forces
- misconceptions from the Third Law
• Quiz on Unit 4 - Projectile Motion (45 minutes)
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Newton's Laws - lessons 3a-bHomework: Newton's Laws on physicsclassroom.com - questions 13,14,15 (explain each answer in your own words)
Due date: Mon 10/12
Monday 9/28
• Jewish Holiday - no schoolTuesday 9/29 & Wednesday 9/30
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (5 minutes)- demonstrate "Trajectory - Angled Launched Projectiles"
• Motion in Two Dimensions powerpoint (40 minutes)
- trigonometry: vector components and vector resultant- projectiles launched at an angle
- demo: video of projectile from moving cart
- example problems: motion chart, height, flight time, range
• Positive Physics (30 minutes)
- unit 4: more problems assigned (trigonometry, vocabulary, motion charts)
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Due today: unit 4 - Projectile Motion on Positive Physics (problems assigned last week)
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 2gHomework: Concept Builders "Trajectory - Angled Launched Projectiles"
Due date: Thu/Fri this week
Homework: unit 4 - Projectile Motion on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 10/5Thursday 10/1 & Friday 10/2
• Positive Physics (30 minutes)
- unit 4: more problems assigned (prep problems, complete problems 2 and 3, challenge for honors)• LAB: Projectile Launched at an Angle (45 minutes)
Due today: Lab - Projectile Motion - Horizontal Launch on Google Classroom
Due today: Concept Builders "Trajectory - Angled Launched Projectiles"" on physicsclassroom.com
Homework: Lab - Projectiles Launched at an Angle
Due date: Tue 10/6 & Wed 10/7
Monday 9/21
• Check-in with lab: Exploring Projectile Motion, Part B- data collection with Phyphox app
• Demonstration: Two Marbles Launched Simultaneously
- which ball hits the ground first? (It was a Myth Busters episode!)
• Motion in Two Dimensions powerpoint (15 minutes)
- equations of horizontal and vertical motion
- example problem from Positive PhysicsHomework: Concept Builders "Trajectory - Horizontally Launched Projectiles" and "Which One Doesn't Belong? Projectile Motion" on physicsclassroom.com
Due today: unit 3 - Freefall on Positive Physics
Due date: Thu/Fri this weekTuesday 9/22 & Wednesday 9/23
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com- work on "Trajectory - Horizontally Launched Projectiles" and "Which One Doesn't Belong? Projectile Motion"
• Positive Physics
- work on Unit 4 Projectile Motion
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Vectors - Motion in Two Dimensions lessona 2a-f (but only read parts about horizontal launched projectiles)Homework: unit 4 - Projectile Motion on positivephysics.org
Due date: Tue 9/29 & Wed 9/30Thursday 9/24 & Friday 9/25• LAB: Projectile Motion in 2-Dimensions (45 minutes)
• Work on assignments due today (30 minutes)
Due today: Lab - Exploring Projectile Motion on Google ClassroomDue today: Concept Builders "Trajectory - Horizontally Launched Projectiles" and "Which One Doesn't Belong? Projectile Motion" on Physics Classroom
Homework: Lab - Projectile Motion in 2-Dimensions
Due date: Thu 9/31 & Fri 10/1
Monday 9/14
• Survey results on distance learning for physics
- comments/suggestions
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com- demonstrate "Freefall" and "Up and Down"Homework: Concept Builders "Freefall" and "Up and Down" on physicsclassroom.com
• Quiz on Thu/Fri on unit 2 - acceleration
- review Work on Positive Physics
- optional Extra Practice is recommended
- quiz will be about 12 questions
Due today: unit 2 - Acceleration on Positive Physics
Due date: Thu/Fri this weekTuesday 9/15 & Wednesday 9/16
• Motion in One Dimension powerpoint (20 minutes)- demonstration of inclined plane showing constant acceleration
- kinematic equations of freefall motion
- example problems
• Positive Physics
- Unit 3 Freefall
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Due today: Lab - Acceleration Due to Gravity on Google Classroom
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 5a-eHomework: unit 3 - Freefall on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 9/21Thursday 9/17 & Friday 9/18• LAB: Projectile Motion in 1-Dimension (40 minutes)
• Quiz on Unit 2 - Acceleration (30 minutes)
Due today: Concept Builders "Freefall" and "Up and Down" on Physics Classroom
Homework: Lab - Projectile Motion in 1-Dimension
Due date: Tue 9/22 & Wed 9/23
Monday 9/7
• Labor Day - no schoolTuesday 9/8 & Wednesday 9/9
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com (15 minutes)- demonstrate "Motion Diagrams", "Graph That Motion" and "Match That Graph"
• Motion in One Dimension powerpoint (30 minutes)- demonstration of constant acceleration
- kinematic equations of motion
- example problems
- direction of velocity and acceleration
• Positive Physics (30 minutes)
- unit 2: complete problems 1,2,3 (and challenge problems for honors physics)
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 6a-eHomework: Concept Builders
Due date: Thu/Fri this week
Homework: unit 2 - Acceleration on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 9/14Thursday 9/10 & Friday 9/11• Work on assignments due today (40 minutes)
- today's participation grade is based partly on your homework progress!
• LAB - Acceleration Due to Gravity (30 minutes)
Due today: Lab - Constant Acceleration parts A & B
Due today: Concept Builders "Motion Diagrams", "Graph That Motion" and "Match That Graph"
Homework: Lab - Acceleration Due to Gravity
Due date: Tue 9/15 & Wed 9/16
Monday 8/31
• Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com- demonstrate "Position-Time Graphs - Numberical Analysis", "Name That Motion" and "Acceleration"
• Positive Physics
- check in with any questions from last week (unit 1 HW is due today)
- quiz on unit 1 this Thu/Fri
Due today: unit 1 - Velocity on positivephysics.org
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 4a-bHomework: Concept Builders "Position-Time Graphs - Numerical Analysis" "Name That Motion" and "Acceleration" on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu/Fri this weekTuesday 9/1 & Wednesday 9/2• Motion in One Dimension powerpoint (25 minutes)- define acceleration- visual view of acceleration- constant vs varying acceleration
- demonstration of constant acceleration with fan cart on track
- kinematic equations of motion
- example problems
• Positive Physics- unit 2: acceleration
- preview problems from assignment
• Questions on Constant Velocity lab (due today)
Due today: Lab - Constant Velocity parts A & B
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 4c-dHomework: unit 2 - Acceleration on positivephysics.org
Due date: Tue 9/8 & Wed 9/9Thursday 9/3 & Friday 9/4• LAB - Constant Acceleration (35 minutes)
• Quiz on Unit 1 - Velocity (35 minutes)
- 12 questions, corrections done after quiz is finalized
Due today: Concept Builders "Position-Time Graphs - Numerical Analysis" "Name That Motion" and "Acceleration" on physicsclassroom.com
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 3a-cHomework: Lab - Constant AccelerationDue date: Thu 9/10 & Fri 9/11
Monday 8/24• Get familiar with Tutorials on physicsclassroom.com
- this is our "textbook" for physics, so don't overlook the lessons from the reading!
• Get familiar with Concept Builders on physicsclassroom.com- demonstrate the first two: "Distance vs. Displacement" and "Speed-Distance-Time"
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 1a-dHomework: Concept Builders "Distance vs. Displacement" and "Speed-Distance-Time" on physicsclassroom.com
Due date: Thu/Fri this weekTuesday 8/25 & Wednesday 8/26
• Opener: Concept Builder "Position-Time Graphs - Conceptual Analysis" (Apprentice Level)• Motion in One Dimension powerpoint (25 minutes)- distance, position and displacement- distance vs. position graphs (constant speed vs constant velocity)- average speed vs. average velocity
• Get familiar with doing "Work" (which means homework) on positivephysics.org (20 minutes)- unit 1: velocity
• In small groups (breakout rooms) practice Work and Extra Practice (30 minutes)
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 2a-cHomework: unit 1 - Velocity on positivephysics.org
Due date: Mon 8/31Thursday 8/27 & Friday 8/28
• Opener: Concept Builder "Position-Time Graphs - Conceptual Analysis" (Wizard Level)
• LAB - Constant Velocity (pdf version and google doc version)- show cart demonstration for constant velocity (10 minutes)
- part A analysis with graphing calculator (15 minutes)- part B data collection and analysis with TI Graphing Calculator or TI-Calc phone app (25 minutes)
• Homework on Positive Physics (25 minutes)
Due today: Lab - Concept Builders "Distance vs. Displacement" and "Speed-Distance-Time" on physicsclassroom.com
Reading: Physics Tutorials (on TPC) - Kinematics lessona 3a-cHomework: Lab - Constant Velocity parts A & BDue date: Tue 9/1 & Wed 9/2
WEEK 1Monday 8/17 and Tuesday 8/18
• Staff days - no school
Looking for the Zoom ID and Passcode? Find it in the email sent on 8/17
Wednesday 8/19 (half day, 35 minute periods)
1st period: 9:10-9:45
2nd period: 9:50-10:25
3rd period: 10:40-11:15
4th period: 11:20-11:55
Thursday 8/20 (half day, 35 minute periods)1st period: 8:30-9:05
2nd period: 9:10-9:45
5th period: 9:50-10:25Friday 8/21 (half day, 35 minute periods)3rd period: 8:30-9:05
4th period: 9:10-9:45
5th period: 9:50-10:25
Details on the Zoom meetings will be provided via email on Monday, August 17.
The first two class meetings we will review the course syllabus and polices, discuss the websites physicsclassroom.com and positivephysics.org for reading assignments, homework, review, and quizzes.
You also need to complete a Student Information Sheet (pdf version and google doc version) and turn it in to the LMS we decide on this week (either Google Classroom or Canvas).Homework: Review the Course Syllabus and Policies; create accounts for physicsclassroom.com and positivephysics.org