School to Career

  • Initiated in 1997, the Marin County School to Career Partnership brings together schools, businesses and organizations to create exciting educational opportunities for students.  The Partnership is a project of the Marin County Office of Education working on behalf of the school districts in Marin.  The Partnership collaborates with over 200 local employers to provide learning experiences for the students of today while they are developing their skilled workforce of tomorrow.

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    At Tam High, the School to Career program activities are coordinated through the Business/Education Liaison located in the College and Career Center.  The Liaison serves teachers, administrators and students at Tam through the following types of activities:

    • Classroom Guest Speakers are identified for teachers in professional fields related to course curriculum.
    • Workplace Site Visits are arranged with teachers that support classroom learning.
    • Post-Secondary Vocational/Educational school visits are offered for students who may not be pursuing a traditional four-year college track.
    • Career Day Events are arranged for students to explore various career interests and to learn more about these professions.
    • Job Shadows are organized for students to spend part of a workday with a professional in a career field of their interest.
    • Internships are available during the school year and summer for students to work closely with a professional mentorĀ to learn about a career field and gain valuable workplace experience.
    • Curriculum Advisory resources are identified to assist administrators and teachers in planning and reviewing course curriculum.
    • Educational Resources such as hardware, software, and classroom supplies are often donated to schools by local businesses through the Partnership.

    For more information about the Marin County School to Career Partnership, visit their website.

Last Modified on December 23, 2023