With a Youth Pass, registered Marin County students and youth under age 18 will be able to ride on local routes in Marin (excluding the Golden Gate corridor service and any regional or express routes such as the 70/80/101 lines) without paying any additional fare during six-month periods. The Youth Pass costs $175 for a six-month period or is free for income-qualified students. Please see your school’s Transit Coordinator to register for a Marin Transit Youth Pass.
— more about the program (Marin Transit website)
— FAQs about the Youth Pass (pdf)
— get Certificate of Eligibility for Youth Pass (pdf)
— get Certificado de Elegibilidad para Pase Gratis (pdf)BOLINAS-STINSON BEACH TRANSIT SERVICE (Tam HS)
The District has contracted with First Student bus charter service to provide transportation for West Marin students to Tamalpais High School for the 2009-2010 school year. Several plans are available.
— Letter and plan information (pdf)
— Application (pdf)
— Bolinas/Stinson Beach bus schedule (pdf)
— Complete packet (includes all of the above - pdf)TRANSIT COORDINATORS at each school
Redwood HS – Dennis Riley (students with special needs); Margaret Catelli (marin transit youth passes)
San Andreas HS – Patty Volkoff
Sir Francis Drake HS – Shannon Johnson
Tamalpais HS – Virginia Haldan & Leslie Holt
Tamiscal HS – Erica Wild
TUHSD Summer School – Cory DeMars & Erica WildLINKS TO MORE INFORMATION about getting to and from school
Marin Transit
Golden Gate Transit bus schedules
511 SF Bay Area Trip PlannerSchool Pool Marin: Find interested families to carpool, walk, bike or bus together to school!