Field Trips

    Field trip authorization requires advanced planning. For fillable forms, please click here and for Board policies/guidelines, click here.
    Please do not submit your field trip packet until it is complete. The office will not accept incomplete packets. Packets can be submitted to the Principal's assistant in the Main Office.
    For day field trips:
    • Get principal's approval by filling out a Field Trip Request Form
      • Does it involve swimming? If so, this is considered "high risk" - See below (For out-of-state and high risk field trips) for guidelines. Additional Swimming Supplement Request Form will be required.
    • You must have a completed Student Permission Form for each student. 
      • Check to be sure the special health needs box is checked/appropriately filled out
      • Health insurance policy number
      • Parent signature
      • Contact number
      • High risk (is or is not)
      • Swimming (if applicable)
    • All adult participants must sign a Volunteer Waiver Form (one adult chaperone per 10 students). Chaperones must be at least 21 years old.
    • If you will need drivers, they must submit a Driver Form along with a copy of the Auto Insurance Declaration page showing the required information.  The insurance declaration must show the name of the driver, the effective dates of the policy, and the amounts of coverage ($100,000-300,000 is minimum).  See the back of the driver form for more information.
      • Coaches cannot drive
      • We would like to avoid student drivers especially long distances
    • Bus transportation Driver form not necessary/need copy of bus contract.
    • Complete Field Trip Verification Form. Make sure all boxes have been checked and submit to principal (along with all paperwork) for signature. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL PAPERWORK IN A TIMELY MANNER (at least a week in advance of field trip.) 
    For overnight field trips:
    Please follow the procedure and submit the paperwork for day time field trips and in addition, submit the following: 
    • Itinerary (where does the field trip begin and end?)
    • Student roster with all attending
    • Chaperones/Volunteers will need to complete the clearance process with the district (fingerprints and TB clearance).
    However, all paperwork must be submitted to the District Office at LEAST 1 MONTH prior to date of field trip (so please be sure all to have all paperwork into the AP office in a timely manner).
    For out-of-state and high risk field trips: (these trips need Board Approval)
    For Board Approval, please submit the Field Trip Request form and Swimming Supplement at least 1 MONTH prior to the date of Field Trip. 
    All remaining paperwork MUST BE SUBMITTED to the District Office at 1 MONTH prior to the date of the Field Trip and Chaperones/Volunteers will need to complete the clearance process with the district (fingerprints and TB clearance). It is imperative to have all paperwork in to the Main office before this 1 month deadline. 
    • Itinerary (where does the field trip begin and end?)
    • Student Permission Slips
    • Student roster with all attending
    • Volunteer Waiver forms
    • Driver's forms
    • Super Waiver (if applicable)
    • Swimming Supplement (if applicable)
    • Field Trip Verification form (w/cell phone of staff member in charge)
    For multiple date field trips: 
    • Student Permission Slips--only one needed for all field trip dates--with all dates listed on it
    • Field Trip Request--need one for each date
    • Verification Form--need one for each date
    • Swimming Supplement--need one for each date
    • Super Waiver--need one for each date
    For club sports: 
    Club sports will be treated as field trips.  All events/practices can be listed on a single permission form and you will need to have the high risk box checked for sailing and mountain bike clubs.  Due to the high risk nature of these activities, these field trips will require board approval as well as a super waiver. The Swimming Supplement is required for all water related field trips. 
    As with Out-of-State and High Risk Field trips, your trip needs board approval, the Field Trip Request form and Swimming Supplement MUST BE SUBMITTED to the District Office at least 1 MONTH prior to the date of the Field Trip
    Polo and Swim Teams:
    Polo and Swim teams do not need the swim supplement or super wavier.
    Bike or Sailing Clubs:

    These clubs need to submit the super waiver in addition to all Field Trip forms. Please submit all the same field trip forms filled out and if there are multiple dates, we need multiple forms as listed above and any date changes will need updated forms.

    Changes in Dates:

    Changes in dates for field trips that are high risk, out of state or include swimming, will need to go to the board for approval. An updated Request for Field Trip, Verification form, Permission Slips, Swimming Supplement and Super Wavier (all wiith new date) must be submitted to the District Office at least 1 WEEK prior to the date of Board Meeting.

    Misc. Information
    Students cannot be required to pay for field trips (exception:  Global Studies).  Please see the District Guidelines.
    Authorization for your field trip is contingent upon the timely submission of all of the required documents. If you have questions about field trips, please contact the Assistant Principals' office.
    The roster of students going on the field trip needs to be submitted to the Attendance Office NO LATER than 2 days prior to the trip.

Misc Forms

  • Fillable Timesheet: Please use this form to submit extra duty hours.
    Payroll Resources: Please click here for payroll forms.
    Accounting Resources:  Please click here for accounting/budget forms.
    Human Resources: For Contracts and Salary Schedules, Benefits, Current Job Openings, Compensation Information, Maternity & Paternity Leave FAQ's, click here.
    Cell Phone Policy:  When a student cell phone is confiscated, please bring it to the Assistant Principals' office by the end of the school day with this form

    Speaker Forms:  Also known as the Request for Use of Outside Resorces form.  Teachers need to get Admin approval for any guests speaking in the classroom.  Speaker Form
    Staff Development Forms:  To request participation and reimbursement for staff development related activities or events, please fill out the attached and return it to the Principal's office for approval.  Staff Dev Form
    Field Trip Forms: For Field Trip forms, click here
Last Modified on December 23, 2023