• Welcome to Mr. Erlin's Webpage 

                                                                                             Chris Erlin with daughters
    To find what was done in class, please log into CANVAS/Modules. 
    There you will find a chronology of what is done each day, with blank daily worksheets, a video showing how to do the work (a video of my teaching the lesson from a prior class), as well as the answer keys and where the students should turn the work in.  
    Grades and standing in class are actively posted in CANVAS as soon as I grade any assignment, and then nightly synchronized to SYNERGY.  However, Synergy has much less detail as to what the assignment is...only the summative grade as a result. 
    • To learn how to get access to Canvas, click here.
    • To learn to access Synergy (as a parent or a student) click here.
      • Please note that blanks don't mean "zero"...it is often just awaiting finalization and late homework.  You may expect that homework grades are finalized at the end of each respective unit.

    To contact me, please use email.  

    I look forward to a great year with you all!






Last Modified on February 28, 2023