Students are required to attend school in the district where their parent or guardian resides, unless they obtain an approved Interdistrict Transfer. This link shows which cities are within the Tamalpais High School District (TUHSD) boundaries: Cities in the Tamalpais Union High School District.
Residency documents and Affidavit are required for enrollment.
Immunizations Required for School Entry: Grades K-12To enter or transfer into public and private elementary and secondary schools (grades kindergarten through 12), children under age 18 years must have the immunizations outlined in this document. Students whose immunizations are incomplete will not be allowed to register and begin school until immunization requirements have been met. For students who have had the chickenpox and thus did not receive two doses of varicella, please submit a medical exemption from a doctor. If your child's immunization record is in another language, please have the record translated to English. Please contact your site Registrar or the school nurse, Nancy Parnow, at (415) 945-3694, for additional questions about immunizations.
TRANSFERSPLEASE NOTE: Any student athlete who transfers between high schools MAY lose the privilege of playing varsity sports for up to one year.
— SEE Athletics for more information
Students who reside in the Tamalpais Union High School District may apply for an Open Enrollment transfer to attend another school in the district that is not their school of residence.
— For more information, please read the open enrollment policy. Please click here.
Please read the policy for transfer requests into or out of the Tam district. Start at your school of residence for transfer forms.
— MORE about Interdistrict Transfers
— If you have additional questions regarding interdistrict transfer policy, please email or call 415-945-1020.
Other things to know:
NEW STUDENTS - Enrollment for students at your school of residence within the Tam District can now be done on this website by following the instructions on the "New Student Registration" tab.
"OPEN ENROLLMENT" applies to students living in the Tam district who want to attend a school other than their school of residence. The final deadline for open enrollment transfer requests is June 30.
INTERDISTRICT TRANSFERS are accepted between December 1 and December 31. (For students who live outside of the TUHSD.)
Click here for a list of cities included in the Tamalpais Union High School District.