• Welcome to the TUHSD Assistive Technology Website

    I choose not to place "DIS", in my ability.  -Robert M. Hensel
    This website was created to offer support for special education teachers utilizing available assistive technology with students. These students have demonstrated a need for such assistive technology and already have a special education Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place. Please see the tabs to the left to find more information regarding the assistive technology you are inquiring about.

    If you cannot find the answer to your question on this site, but you are inquiring about TUHSD supported AT, please contact Resource Specialist Robin Shorett at RShorett@tamdistrict.org or 415-458-3458.

    If you have a more specific question about AT not listed on this site (not currently supported by TUHSD), please consider contacting Dan Phillips, AAC/AT Specialist at the Marin Technology Resource Center (httP://trc.marinschools.org), dphil@marinschools.org or 415-491-6494.